Course Sales Page + emails for That (Black) Friday Feeling

Client | Elizabeth Goddard*

You know how some coaches make you write a list of the people you would LOVE to work with? I don’t have one.

If I did though, Lizzie would be on top of the list. I own pretty much everything she has for sale (affiliate link) and am in her Profitable Playground group program. So when she casually slid into my dm’s to ask about sales page availability, I blacked out for a hot second.

* That’s an affiliate link because Elizabeth Goddard is my fav.

Service | Damn Sexy Sales Copy + Emails

Since I own That (Black) Friday Feeling and it’s a small product, it was a smooth process to write the sales page for it. As a smaller product — It’s just $9! — the sales page was also a little shorter at around 1100 words.

I also wrote a sequence of 3 emails to help promote it once the real sales page is up, stressing how you can use this training to put together a Black Friday Offer in an afternoon.

As I finished writing at lightning speed and still felt creatively turned on, I threw in a little surprise! The course now has 2 fill-in-the-blank email templates that you can use to promote your Black Friday Offer, written by yours truly!

My take | 🔥🔥🔥

This was such a fun, breezy project to write for. Lizzie has a no-nonsense, inspired. approach to online business that I adore. She’s quick to reply and easy to work with, my favourite kind of client.

REsults | immediately useable copy that can evolve over time

Soooo the new sales page isn’t up yet 👀 but Lizzie’s feedback said it all, here’s what she said:

Elizabeth Goddard 1.jpg
Sandra is super fast, super on brand and super easy to work with! She writes fun, straightforward sales pages that you’ll be able to use straightaway, but also easily adapt and evolve over time, which is actually the dream for copy — as with some copywriters it’s surprisingly tricky to adjust what they wrote later on.
Elizabeth Goddard

Finally | Useful links


Course Sales Page + emails for How to be a VA


Course Sales Page + emails for ClickUp Rockstar