Upsell Emails


Upsell the next level after someone signs up

After someone has signed up for your course, product, or service… They may find out that they could use some more help. Use these templates to invite them to the next level of working with you.

  • 3 x upsell email templates

instant access

You’ll get the link to the template immediately after checking out, so you can make a copy and start writing in seconds. Your receipt with a copy of the link to your template will drop in your inbox within a few minutes.

Examples & Tips

All templates come with examples, content notes, and design tips. You won’t just be able to write the copy with ease, you’ll also understand the why behind the sections and have guidance to put it all together.

Safe Check-Out

No dodgy internet links here. Safe check-out through ThriveCart means you can pay through PayPal and credit card. Your information is safe.



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